avi loeb


Latest Stories

Down to Earth
3.15.24, 1:23 PM EDT on the byte
There's an Embarrassing Explanation for Those "Alien Fragments," Researchers Claim
Spheres of Influence
2.6.24, 1:10 PM EST on futurism
Harvard Scientist Presents New Evidence That Samples Are Alien Spacecraft
11.30.23, 8:55 AM EST on futurism
Harvard Scientist Planning New Expedition to Hunt for Bigger Chunks of Possible Alien Spacecraft
9.10.23, 8:00 AM EDT on the byte
Scientists Says Those Interstellar Debris May Be Something Totally Different
Ocean Trawler
Updated 8.29.23, 1:06 PM EDT on the byte
Alien Hunting Scientist Says He Found Something Extremely Interesting at the Bottom of the Ocean
Go Loeb
8.15.23, 12:10 PM EDT on the byte
Harvard Professor Says Godlike Aliens May Be Creating Universes in Labs
That's a Metal Ball
7.10.23, 2:40 PM EDT on the byte
Scientist: No, We Didn't Just Find an Alien Spacecraft on the Bottom of the Ocean
6.28.23, 10:06 AM EDT on futurism
Harvard Scientist Trawling Ocean Floor for Possible Alien Spacecraft
Beam Me Up, Avi
3.28.23, 4:04 PM EDT on the byte
Harvard Prof Teams Up With Military Official to Study Possible Alien "Mothership"
Cosmic Flatulence
Updated 3.27.23, 9:53 AM EDT on the byte
Boring Scientists Say Strange "Oumuamua" Space Object Wasn't Alien, Just Gassy
The Loebdown
Updated 3.25.23, 10:29 AM EDT on the byte
Harvard Physicist Preparing Expedition to Recover Possible Alien Artifact
Seeing, Not Belie...
3.14.23, 2:29 PM EDT on futurism
Harvard and Pentagon Scientists Say "Highly Maneuverable" UFOs Appear to Defy Physics